Cancer Patients

Living with Cancer

Learning you have cancer can be a life-altering experience. The diagnosis may make you feel anxious, afraid, or confused. You may worry about how you will cope with your disease emotionally, physically, and financially, and you may feel overwhelmed with information that is difficult to process. Whether you have just been diagnosed, learned that your cancer has spread, or exhausted your treatment options, you are not alone.

As a person living with cancer, it is important to advocate for your own well-being. Cancer comes in all different types and is diagnosed at all different stages. That is why educating yourself about your disease and your treatment options is one of the most important things you can do. By becoming an informed patient, you gain the power to participate in the treatment planning process with your medical team, who can help you make the right decisions for your health and ongoing care. is a website dedicated to helping patients like yourself take this journey step-by-step – breaking down complicated topics and terminology to ease the process, providing resources and information to help you be proactive in your fight against cancer.

At every stage of cancer recovery, these pages can guide you as you begin to find your way through the journey of diagnosis and treatment. With great care, you can take advantage of a wide range of personalized treatment options and cutting-edge technologies, tools that can make a cancer diagnosis a little less overwhelming. Yes, living with cancer is a journey, but it is one we can take together.

As the first step in that journey, we encourage you to read through these pages. If you do nothing else, make sure you find a physician that understands the newest techniques in precision medicine. We also encourage you to visit our resource center, which will prepare you for your first appointment by giving you tips and sample questions to ask at your first appointment.