
Advanced Cancer Treatment with Molecular Profiling

The advent of molecular profiling has advanced a deeper understanding of the pathophysiology of cancer, ultimately enhancing physicians’ ability to personalize anticancer therapy and improve care. Increasingly, doctors understand that the unique presentation of cancer biomarkers within an individual patient can be more predictive of treatment response than conventional methods of cancer localization and staging. The ability to characterize a patient’s tumor at the genetic and molecular level thus represents a breakthrough in terms of overcoming the limitations of traditional approaches to cancer diagnosis, classification, and subsequent treatment planning. Armed with more reliable information about which treatment regimens a patient’s cancer is likely to respond to (or not likely to respond to, as the case may be), oncologists can potentially save time, optimize treatment efficacy, reduce patient suffering, and lower the overall cost of treatment.

As the industry leader in molecular profiling, Caris Life Sciences believes that every patient with cancer should have access to precision medicine. For patients with rare or aggressive disease, or for those who have exhausted treatment options, comprehensive molecular profiling can be especially valuable in identifying potential regimens or clinical trials that may not have been previously considered. Caris Molecular Intelligence® utilizes multiple evidence-guided technologies — IHC, FISH/CISH, PCR, and Next-Generation and Sanger Sequencing — to provide oncologists with the most relevant, clinically actionable treatment information to personalize cancer care for patients across a wide and growing range of tumor types.

Visit for more information about comprehensive molecular profiling with Caris Molecular Intelligence, and how to initiate discussions with your patients about this transformative technological platform for personalizing cancer care.